June 2021 Minutes EOM
Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting:
Thursday 3 June 2021 at 7.00pm in the Methodist Schoolroom
Cllr. J. Kennedy (JK), Cllr. I. Macdonald (IM), Cllr. A. Colleran (AC), Cllr. S. Holmes (SH), Cllr. M Malam (MM), Cllr. R. Skelton (RS), Cllr. S. Skelton (SS),
D.Gill – Clerk (DG).
Laughton Field and Events Group (LFEG) (075/2021)
Four members of the public were also present including the chair and treasurer of LFEG.
The need to establish effective channels of communication between LFEG and LPC was recognised by both organisations.
Resolved: Formal communication to be between the Chair or Treasurer of LFEG and the Chair or Clerk of LPC, who will then communicate this to all councillors.
A process for funding capital purchases was discussed.
Resolved: A “steering” group with representation from both LPC and LFEG to be set up to produce recommendations for capital purchases which would then be put to LPC for approval. Such “joint” purchases would then be placed on the asset register of LPC.
Representation from LFEG to be invited to LPC meetings where capital purchases are to be discussed.